Photo by Danielle Provencher
France Huot (she/her/elle)
Actor, clown, and community arts builder, France Huot is a bilingual artist and graduate of Laurentian University’s Arts d’expression program. When she isn’t acting, she is currently pursuing new theatre creations in French and English. As an actor, her most recent credits are Jack (TNO), le Shack à patate - un casse-croûte ambulant pour l’âme, (TNO), Parmi les éclats (TNO) et Geography of Fire (Colleen Murphy).
Passionate about the art of clown, she also has training in Pochinko clowning with John Turner from the Manitoulin Conservatory for Creation and Performance/Clown Farm. With her artistic partner Jenny Hazelton, France has founded Hoquet/Hiccup. Together, they create theatrical projects inspired by clown, deadpan, puppetry, and physical theatre.
France is also very active in the arts and culture sector in Sudbury and across the province. She hosts and organizes events, cultural mediation activities, workshops for schools and the community.