Advanced Clown Boot Camp
Reintroducing Your Editor
with Jed Tomlinson
July 6 - 12, 2025
Sudbury, ON, CANADA
7 days (42+hrs.) Participants should be prepared for extra hours of evening homework and preparation outside of class time. (Some evening classes possible)
Applicants must be 19+
Prerequisite: Mask and Clown Intensive (Baby Clown), Clown Boot Camp or equivalent professional experience.
Workshop only: $ 850.00 + HST (7 days)
Add Residence: $ 360.00 + HST (8 nights)
About Advanced Clown Boot Camp
Reintroducing your Editor
This workshop will continue the work begun in Boot Camp 1 with a stronger emphasis on the development and execution of professional work. Participants should be prepared to be extremely challenged by this workshop.
This workshop will focus on structure and specificity to bring the initial impulse and creation work explored in Boot Camp 1 to the stage. Participants will explore how and when to reintroduce their editors while respecting the material developed through the physical exercises of the Pochinko canon. Clarity, storytelling, and clown script development will be at the forefront.
The workshop will be split between creation and performance and will broaden participants understanding of Pochinko creation technique, while introducing new ways of generating material and flexing the creative muscles. Participants will be encouraged to explore a broader application of the clown work including but not limited to spoken text, song, dance, bouffon, Joey and Auguste, and a synthesis of any of the above. If participants have any specific desires for this workshop they should feel free to begin a conversation on the subject matter at any point after the application.
Participants should have a strong idea for a turn, performance, style, or topic that they wish to explore during the workshop. Participants should bring a short prepared piece in addition to other work to be discussed after registration.
Ultimately, this workshop is about creating a solid springboard into the chaos of clown with a focus on developing the structure needed to find the freedom in performance.